ITSA Member News

ITSA Member News
December 2023

It’s hard to believe we are in the last month of 2023. This was a great year for ITSA, with the highlight being the return of our face-to-face annual business meeting this past summer in Buffalo, N.Y. A great deal of time was spent planning that gathering, and we are already preparing and looking forward to our next meeting in Miami, Fla.

The American Welding Society (AWS) will be hosting us at their headquarters building, and we will have the opportunity to visit Florida International University’s (FIU) plasma lab as well as their new Cold Spray and Rapid Deposition (ColRAD) lab to learn more about the interesting research being done there. FIU recently held a ribbon cutting ceremony to unveil ColRAD (read more about it on page 10), and ITSA Program Manager Adrian Bustillo, SPRAYTIME Editor Cindy Weihl, and AWS C2 Committee on Thermal Spraying Program Manager Jennifer Rosario were in attendance. We look forward to sharing more information on the 2024 Miami meeting in the next issue. This year, we also saw the redesign of the ITSA website. I was able to offer input and feedback on new content for the site, and I invite everyone to go visit it at Lastly, the ITSA Membership Task Group met in the fall, and we received updates on membership and developed a list of initiatives to attract new ITSA members. We are really looking forward to all the new things happening with ITSA in 2024 and are grateful to all our members and readers.


The International Thermal Spray Association (ITSA), a standing committee of the American Welding Society, is a professional industrial organization dedicated to expanding the use of thermal spray technologies for the benefit of industry and society. ITSA invites all interested companies to talk with our officers and company representatives to better understand member benefits.


Mollie Blasingame, chair, Superior Shot Peening & Coatings

Kirk Fick, vice chair, Cincinnati Thermal Spray Inc.

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (above officers plus the following)

Ana Duminie, North American Höganäs

Jim Ryan, TechMet Alloys

David A. Lee, David Lee Consulting LLC

Bill Mosier, Polymet Corp.

Peter Ruggiero, Curtiss-Wright Surface Technologies


ITSA offers annual graduate scholarships. Since 1992, the ITSA scholarship program has contributed to the growth of the thermal spray community, especially in the development of new technologists and engineers. ITSA is very proud of this education partnership and encourages all eligible participants to apply. Visit for criteria information and a printable application form.


Since 1992, ITSA has been publishing SPRAYTIME for the thermal spray industry. The mission is to be the flagship thermal spray industry publication providing company, event, personnel, product, research, and membership news of interest to the thermal spray community.


Membership is open to companies involved in all facets of the industry — equipment and materials suppliers, job shops, in-house facilities, educational institutions, industry consultants, and others.

Engage with dozens of like-minded industry professionals at the Annual ITSA Membership Meeting, where there’s ample time for business and personal discussions. Learn about industry advancements through the one-day technical program, participate in the half-day business meeting, and enjoy your peers in a relaxed atmosphere complete with fun social events.

Build awareness of your company and its products and services through valuable promotional opportunities: a listing in SPRAYTIME, exposure on the ITSA website, and recognition at industry trade shows.

Plus, ITSA Membership comes with an AWS Supporting Company Membership and up to five AWS Individual Memberships to give to your best employees, colleagues, or customers.

Visit for a complete listing of additional AWS benefits. For more information, contact Adrian Bustillo at (786) 937-9595 or itsa@

For an ITSA Membership application, visit the membership section at

ST Q4 23 - ITSA Member News
 - Mollie Blasingame
Mollie Blasingame, Chair