2023 ITSA Scholar Sees the Limitless Role of Thermal Spray

2023 ITSA Scholar Sees the Limitless Role of Thermal Spray
June 2024

Abhijith Kunneparambil Sukumaran from Florida International University (FIU), Miami, Fla., was selected as a 2023 ITSA scholarship recipient for his research and dedication to the thermal spray industry. He is a PhD candidate and graduate researcher in the Mechanical and Materials Engineering (MME) Department at FIU, working in the Plasma Forming Laboratory (PFL) and the Cold Spray and Rapid Deposition (ColRAD) Lab.

After earning his bachelor and master of technology in mechanical engineering from Mahatma Ghandi University and the College of Engineering Trivandrum, respectively, both in India, Sukumaran was drawn to the thermal spray world. He was attracted to its “scalability, adaptability, and economic significance . . . across various industries.”

For the past two years, Sukumaran has been engaged in plasma-sprayed metallic composite coatings research. Beyond coating development, he focuses on testing for abrasive and erosion wear and radiation resistance. His research includes advanced surface engineering and tribological studies, which led to a project with two NASA centers: NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala., and NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Va.

“I am developing APS [atmospheric plasma spray] and VPS [vacuum plasma spray] composite coatings with enhanced wear, erosion, and radiation-resistance properties, making them ideal for lunar rovers,” he explained.

The project’s coatings have been selected for Materials International Space Station Experiment-17 (MISSE-17) exposure testing at the International Space Station, where Sukumaran’s samples will be evaluated in the extreme space environment.

“The potential real-world applications of this technology and its significance in enhancing aerospace materials resonated deeply with me,” Sukumaran said. “My work with NASA showcased the practical implications of research and underscored the importance of pushing the boundaries of scientific understanding to solve real-world challenges.”

Sukumaran’s work is not going unnoticed by the thermal spray research community or FIU.

“Our work has gained recognition in esteemed publications, leading to submissions for patents and research articles,” he shared. “I was also honored with the FIU Outstanding Graduate Project Award for my PhD project for 2024. The award recognizes students whose single, significant creative projects demonstrate excellence in their academic discipline.”

His skills and active involvement in thermal spray research have earned him other honors as well, including serving on ASM International’s Thermal Spray Society Board of Directors from 2022–2024. Additionally, as a member of Material Advantage FIU, Sukumaran organizes events and fosters students’ interest in materials engineering and research.

“I aim to contribute to the expansion and evolution of this field to make a meaningful impact in the realm of advanced materials,” he said. “I am committed to disseminating the advancements and achievements of our research and thermal spray technologies.”

Sukumaran plans to work in the aerospace field with a focus on thermal spray technology to develop smart materials for extreme environments. But in the meantime, he’s eager to learn advanced techniques such as cold spray and wire arc additive manufacturing at FIU’s ColRAD Lab.

Sukumaran is grateful for his opportunities and recognition.

“I can shape the trajectory of the industry by leveraging new technologies, driving research initiatives, and fostering collaboration within the community,” he said.

To future thermal spray students, Sukumaran advised, “Build a strong foundation in materials science and manufacturing processes. Explore internships and hands-on experiences in labs with thermal spray equipment. Stay open-minded about diverse applications across industries and embrace networking to establish relationships and future opportunities.”

Sukumaran was one of two recipients of the 2023 ITSA scholarship. The second was Tyler Kleinsasser, a student at South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, S.Dak. Kleinsasser was also a 2022 recipient.
