SCWI: Experienced and Knowledgeable

SCWI: Experienced and Knowledgeable

As an expert and supervisor, a Senior Certified Welding Inspector (SCWI) is responsible for performing inspections, managing Certified Welding Inspectors (CWI) and Certified Associate Welding Inspectors (CAWI), devising inspection procedures, interpreting joining methods, conducting audits of suppliers and service providers, and ensuring all performed work and kept records comply with relevant standards and contract obligations.

Select from the options below
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SCWI Initial Application

  • How it Works
  • Required Documents
  • Computer-Based Testing
  • Endorsements
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SCWI Renewal

  • How it Works
  • Endorsements
  • Pricing
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SCWI Recertification

  • How it Works
  • Endorsements
  • Pricing
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SCWI Initial Application

  • How it Works
  • Documents
  • Exam Information
  • Endorsements
  • Pricing

SCWI Requirements and Process

To become a Senior Certified Welding Inspector, candidates need to fulfill both education and work experience prerequisites, as well as pass two required exams.

Education & Experience Requirements:

There are no education requirements as these are implied requirements of the previous certification (CWI).

Work Experience Requirements:

  1. Certified as a CWI for six years: You must have been certified as a CWI for a minimum of six years within the last eight years, including professional experience using it.
  2. 15 Years Work Experience in Relevant Fields: You must have a minimum of 15 years work experience in at least three of the following areas:
    • Procedure development
    • Control and application of base metals
    • Experience as a welder or welding operator
    • Detection and measurement of weld discontinuities
    • Planning and application of repair welding
    • Preparation of written procedures
    • Qualification of welders or welding procedures
    • Application of welding related codes and standards
    • Operational techniques fulfilling quality control requirements
    • Teaching welding or related subjects.

Application process:

Visit the online portal to provide the required documentation, make payment and register for seminars and courses.

Make sure to have the following documents ready before starting the application process:

SCWI Standards

A SCWI certification ensures the certificate holder meets all of the specification and certification requirements found in:

Technical and Reference Documents are provided when registered and attending an AWS Seminar.

Technical and Specification Documents, and Reference Materials

For self-study purposes, applicants preparing for the AWS SCWI examination can consult the AWS Reference Study Material List found in Appendix B of the SCWI User Guide.

Review the AWS SCWI Examination User Guide (PDF).

View the Exam References and Editions Guide (PDF).

To purchase any of the AWS publications, visit the AWS Bookstore

Other forms and documents:

Seminar and Exam Schedule

Find upcoming in-person seminars and exam dates on AWS by visiting the Seminar and Exam Schedule.

Computer-Based Testing/Prometric Exam Centers 

The SCWI examination is a 200-question test, with an open book section and a closed book section, each lasting two hours. AWS conducts exams via computer-based testing (CBT) at more than 450 Prometric Exam Centers across the globe.

A minimum score of 72% is required to pass.

Learn more about Prometric CBT and Exam Centers: 

Endorsements are supplemental inspection credentials available to all AWS Certified Welding Inspectors (CWIs) and Senior Certified Welding Inspectors (SCWIs). Endorsements document an individual’s additional knowledge, skill, or ability.

Select from our Endorsements Catalog the one you are interested in to see requirements, reference materials, and other relevant information.


SCWI Renewal

  • How it Works
  • Endorsements
  • Pricing

The SCWI Certification lasts 9 years, with renewals required at years 3 and 6. AWS sends reminders 6 months and 3 months prior to each renewal. Renewal requires continuous employment in the relevant activities and documented work experience stated in the requirements section. Renewal applications should be sent at least 60 days before the expiration date but can be submitted up to 11 months in advance. If late, a 60-day extension is available, during which the certification is considered "Expired." Applications after this period incur administrative late fees. Once all renewal requirements are met and fees paid, the certification is reactivated.

The renewal application can be completed at MyAWS Portal. Here you may also check your SCWI credentials, application, or exam registration status.

Adding an Endorsement

Endorsements are supplemental inspection credentials available to all AWS Certified Welding Inspectors (CWIs) and Senior Certified Welding Inspectors (SCWIs), that document an individual’s additional knowledge, skill, or ability.

Successful completion of an endorsement exam, taken up to 11 months before the CWI certification's expiration date, satisfies the recertification requirements. However, for purposes of recertification, CWIs cannot use the same endorsement codebook that was used to obtain their current certification.

Select from our catalog the endorsement you are interested in to see requirements, reference materials, and other relevant information.  Applicants who choose to submit their application to AWS headquarters via email (PDF) or mail carrier (paper) will be subject to an additional processing fee of $125.


SCWI Recertification

  • How it works
  • Endorsements
  • Pricing

SCWI Recertification Guide

There are several options available to SCWIs wishing to achieve recertification after nine years.

  1. Recertification by taking the original SCWI examinations.
  2. Recertification by taking a committee-approved endorsement during the previous nine years of certification.
  3. Recertification by achieving sufficient professional development hours (PDHs) during the previous nine years of certification.
  4. Recertification by taking the 9-year AWS Recertification Seminar prior to the certification expiration date.

SCWI Recertification by Exam

The SCWI exam consists of two parts:

  • Closed Book Section
  • Open Book Section

Each section lasts for two hours. To pass, candidates must score at least 72%, successfully meeting the SCWI requirements as outlined in B5.1:2013-AMD1.

SCWI Recertification by Adding an Endorsement

Adding an endorsement to your SCWI certification is another way to achieve recertification. You can choose one endorsement from a comprehensive list, including but not limited to:

  • AWS D1.1 Structural Steel
  • AWS D1.2 Structural Aluminum
  • AWS D1.5 Bridge Welding
  • ASME Section IX, B31.1 and B31.3 Boiler & Pressure Vessel

Please note, the pursuit of an endorsement must be different from the codebook used for achieving your current active CWI certification. All endorsement exams are offered at Prometric Exam Centers.

9-Year Recertification by Accumulated Professional Development Hours (PDH)

A SCWI can accumulate 80 contact hours through seminars, courses, or online platforms like AWS’s Education Portal to fulfill recertification requirements.

Endorsements or Certifications Achieved Prior to 9-Year Recertification

A SCWI who has passed one or more endorsement exams prior to the nine-year cycle can apply for recertification without additional examination or PDH requirements. Additionally, becoming an AWS Certified Radiographic Interpreter (CRI) during the nine-year cycle fulfills the recertification requirement. Learn more about CRI here

9-Year Recertification Course

Another option is to register for and successfully complete the AWS 9-Year Recertification Course.

For further details, please review the Certification Endorsements page and the AWS Certification Price List.

Adding an Endorsement

Endorsements are supplemental inspection credentials available to all AWS Certified Welding Inspectors (CWIs) and Senior Certified Welding Inspectors (SCWIs), that document an individual’s additional knowledge, skill, or ability.

Successful completion of an endorsement exam, taken up to 11 months before the CWI certification's expiration date, satisfies the recertification requirements. However, for purposes of recertification, CWIs cannot use the same endorsement codebook that was used to obtain their current certification.

Select from our catalog the endorsement you are interested in to see requirements, reference materials, and other relevant information.  Applicants who choose to submit their application to AWS headquarters via email (PDF) or mail carrier (paper) will be subject to an additional processing fee of $125.



Discover the value of CWI & SCWI endorsements


AWS Certified Welding Inspector (CWI) endorsements are essential for professionals looking to enhance their skills and advance their careers in the welding industry. These specialized qualifications demonstrate your commitment to excellence and are vital for CWI and Senior Certified Welding Inspector (SCWI) recertification.
