
Articles prior to January 2023 can be accessed via our Publication Archive

Feature Articles


Cold Spray In Remote Locations and Austere Environments

Additive manufacturing (AM) represents a paradigm shift in the way that parts and products are being produced and introduced into the marketplace. It is now possible to accomplish AM not only in a manufacturing setting but in remote locations at the point of need, alleviating the logistics burden on the supply chain.

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Exploring Three Tungsten Carbide Thermal Spray Coatings and Their Uses

Tungsten carbide is used in many different applications, from wedding rings to drill bits. As an integral part of the coating world, tungsten carbide coatings help many heavy industrial companies stay up and running longer.

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News and Updates

Product Spotlight

Product Spotlight

The TKF 1000 modular additive manufacturing system is engineered to reduce lead times, maximize uptime, cut material costs, and enhance performance. 

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Industry News

Industry News

In conjunction with Florida International University (FIU) and the Association for Materials Protection and Performance (AMPP), the International Thermal Spray Association (ITSA) will hold its 2024 Annual Meeting at AWS World Headquarters, Miami, Fla., on November 6 and 7.

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ITSA Member News

  Happy 2024 to our ITSA members and readers! We are kicking off the first quarter of the year excited to announce the ITSA 2024 Annual Business Meeting and conference details.

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