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September 2024

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Feature Articles


Removing HVOF Coatings: Best Practices for Preserving Substrates

In surface engineering, high-velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF) coatings stand out for their exceptional properties, such as high wear and corrosion resistance, which are essential in aerospace and industrial applications. However, removing these durable coatings, particularly tungsten and chromium carbide types, is a common challenge during equipment overhaul or recoating. 

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Product & Print Showcase

Product Spotlight

Nickel Aluminium Bronze Expeditionary (NAB Expeditionary) is designed to be field-deployed and enable the rapid production of parts for cold spray additive manufacturing. NAB Expeditionary is a high-strength, corrosion-resistant alloy known for its lubricity and resistance to cavitation damage and stress corrosion cracking.

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News and Updates

Industry News

Industry News

The International Thermal Spray Association (ITSA) will hold its annual meeting on November 6 and 7 at AWS World Headquarters in Miami, Fla.

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ITSA Member News

As I begin my term as chair of the International Thermal Spray Association (ITSA), I look forward to working with the ITSA board, committee members, and AWS to advance and promote ITSA and the thermal spray industry.

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