
Articles prior to January 2023 can be accessed via our Publication Archive

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Fig. 1A.jpg
Fig. 1 — The SEM images of the powders: A — Amperit® 558.052 (A&S; P1)

High-Volume Production of WC10Co4Cr Powder for Use in Flash Carbide Applications

For decades, chrome plating and, more recently, high- velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF) applied coatings have been used on key components in the oil and gas industries to give enhanced protection in aggressive environments.

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ITSA Member News


ITSA Member News

2023 is of f to an excellent start for the International Thermal Spray Association (ITSA). We are finalizing plans for our next in-person gathering and pursuing opportunities to expand membership activity this year.

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News and Updates


Industry News

The International Thermal Spray Association (ITSA) Annual Membership Meeting was held in person for the first time in two years on November 9, 2022, in Atlanta, Ga., during FABTECH 2022.

Product Spotlight

Product Spotlight

The RD2005PAD rotary nozzle uses nanocoatings to create specifically functionalized surfaces that are tailor-made to meet customer requirements with regard to planar materials.

Industry News

People in the News

Kirk Fick has been appointed vice chair of the International Thermal Spray Association (ITSA). Fick is an experienced engineering professional who has worked in the thermal spray industry for more than 30 years. 


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