Fundamentals of Welding Curriculum


Fundamentals of Welding Curriculum


American Welding Society (AWS) is proud to offer the Fundamentals of Welding Curriculum — a comprehensive collection of print and digital resources and learning tools for high schools, technical colleges, and vocational training programs.

If your institution is looking to improve an existing welding program or better support your instructors and students, the Fundamentals of Welding Curriculum can help!


Spot (On) welding education

Spot (On) welding education

Put together by industry experts and education professionals, the Fundamentals of Welding Curriculum meets AWS SENSE and is designed to meet the needs of students and instructors. See the video for further details.

About the Curriculum

The AWS Fundamentals of Welding Curriculum covers every angle that instructors need so they can focus on leading students to success.

E-learning modules
Instructional videos
Educational and classroom posters

Key Benefits



Covering 25 participants, the Fundamentals of Welding Curriculum’s $3,750, plus the cost of shipping, the overall price works out to just $150 per student.



The curriculum includes the full spectrum of foundational welding skills designed to educate in both corporate and academic settings.



Course materials are engineered to suit both in-person and virtual environments.


Multimedia Content

Textbooks, manuals, e-learning modules, instructional videos — an array of content ensures you can customize teaching methods to the learning style of your class.


Pathway to Success

Our comprehensive approach to learning doesn’t just clear the path to welder certification — it provides a map of career choices after qualifying.


Trusted Sources

Relied on by thousands and assembled by top professionals and educational specialists, AWS course content is value tested and expert designed.

Purchase the Curriculum


Purchase the Curriculum


Contact us if your business is interested in the Fundamentals of Welding Curriculum or any of our other welding curricula, or if you have questions about how it might fit in with your existing lesson plans.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • What’s in the Fundamentals of Welding Curriculum?

    The curriculum is assembled from the Fundamentals of Welding textbook, a welding lab exercise manual, 12 educational posters, 74 e-learning modules, and 18 instructional videos. It also includes more than 100 lesson plans, 12 classroom PowerPoint presentations, as well as handouts and checklists used for daily instruction.

  • How much does the curriculum cost?

    Covering up to 25 students, the base price — including textbooks, lab manuals, and online access — is $3,750, plus the cost of shipping, the overall price works out to just $150 per student. If your classroom count goes over 25, there is a fee applied for each additional student.

  • If I’m already teaching a non-AWS welding class and I add the curriculum, how do tracking student progress and grade-keeping fit in with my current lessons?

    Hosted on a Moodle learning management system (LMS), the AWS Learning platform gives students individual accounts that provide access to online modules, assignments, and multimedia content. Instructors can review student progress and make adjustments for each depending on how they’re handling the content.

  • Can I integrate AWS Learning Management System with another LMS?

    Not at the moment. Currently, the AWS Learning platform is the only supported host for the curriculum — though the LMS can export data and reports for later uploading onto other LMS or grade book apps. 

  • Is a grade book offered to keep track of student grades?

    Yes. The AWS Learning platform has built-in grade books that track grades as well as attempt details like time of access, duration, and answer choices.

  • Can instructors change content to add quizzes to the LMS? 

    Not yet — but we’re working on that. A lot of institutions use preexisting LMSs for coursework, and we’re prioritizing making cross-platform functionality a reality. Until we make that happen, you’ll have our support staff available to help out with questions about compatibility and functionality on your existing system.

  • Can the curriculum be previewed before buying it? 

    Definitely. We offer demo access to the AWS Learning platform and limited/partial access to curriculum materials. To request demo access, or get more specifics about previews, reach out to our sales department at

  • Given that the welding curriculum follows SENSE guidelines, is there some sort of associated accreditation program for participating schools?

    There will be soon — and it’ll be a very big deal.

    AWS is currently working to roll out its SENSE Advanced Education & Training Program (AETP), an accreditation process that will provide schools with the gold standard in full-spectrum welder training. Put together by industry experts and running on a five-year cycle of reaccreditation, it will have the curriculum, procedures, knowledge, and equipment to deliver top-tier welder education, skills training, and performance qualification.


  • If where I’m learning already uses SENSE, is the $25 per-student fee still charged?

    Not if the classroom is 25 students or less. The only reasons you will pay the $25 fee are for exceeding the 25-student limit or if you’re running a SENSE program that’s using the curriculum for students not already enrolled in SENSE.

  • Does the SENSE AETP meet the guidelines of the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges?

    Not currently, but getting the SENSE program accredited by ACCSC is something we’re hoping to change in the near future.