Create and Teach Courses for AWS

Create and Teach Courses for AWS

Knowledgeable welding professionals are a key piece of our educational programs, and AWS is always open to course recommendations and submissions. This means you could turn your knowledge and experience into a teaching opportunity.

As an AWS instructor, you can:

  • Assist AWS in fulfilling its mission of moving the industry forward through continued training and education of welding professionals
  • Maintain your intellectual property
  • Earn additional income
  • Enjoy free promotion of you and your course on the AWS website
  • Enjoy full logistical, marketing, and customer service support so you can focus on teaching

Develop and Teach Your Own Training


Develop and Teach Your Own Training


Whether you’re a professor, retired, or actively working in your field, you can offer subject matter expertise, industry experience, and on-the-job know-how as an AWS instructor


Become an Exam Prep Instructor

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Become an Exam Prep Instructor

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Given the central role of examinations in welding, exam prep instructors are in high demand. If you hold a CWI, SCWI, CRI, or CWS certification, you could find a new way to put your certification to use by becoming an AWS instructor.

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